Tuesday July 23, 2024

July 18, 2024

4 juillet 2024




Natural Health Tips
Last updated July 3, 2024

Upcoming events

OHH CANADA KIDS FESTIVAL JEUNNESE ORLÉANS from 11 am to 5 pm at Millennium Park on Trim Road. Obstacle Course, Face Painting, Scavenger Hunt, Bike Rally and lots of other surprises! Canada Day Birthday Cake at 1 pm  Food trucks and BBQ.

CANADA DAY BBQ at the Orléans Legion, 800 Taylor Creek Dr. from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. .Open tro all members and non-members. BBQ from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. by Prestige Catering and Food Services. 8 choices to choose from at $15 each. Live entertainment provided by the Taylor Creek Band and the Parsons Duo. Bar specials from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.

FREE CANADA BBQ from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Petrie Island in the Steumer Park picnic area, hosted by the Orléans PC Riding Association.

ORLEANS FARMERS MARKET from 11 am to 4 pm in the parking lot at the Ray Friel Recreation Centre on Tenth Line Road. Shop the freshest seasonal produce, meat and dairy, baked goods, prepared foods, crafts and more while getting to know the folks who grew and made it.

TAPROOM 260 presents the Jamie Douglas live from 8-11 pm. Located on Centrum Blvd. in the Orléans Town Centre. For more information visit https://taproom260.com/events/.

CUMBERLAND FARMERS MARKET from 9 am to 1 pm at the Cumberland Arena, 1115 Dunning Rd. in Cumberland Village. Farmers, bakers, artists, crafters, gardeners, chefs and friends. For more information facebook.com/cumberland.f.market.

THE ORLEANS BREWING CO. presents James Leclair live from 8-11 pm. $5 cover. The Orléans Brewing Co. is located at 4380 Innes Rd. near the McDonalds. For more information visit https://orleansbrewing.com.



Councillor's Corner

Frustrated by traffic congestion in South Orléans? Read this...

Are you tired of congested roads and inadequate transit in Orléans South? are you concerned about the rapid pace of growth and its impact on mobility in our community? I share your frustrations and now, more than ever, I need your voice to be heard.

The City has just launched Phase 4 of the Transportation Master Plan (TMP) consultations. This is your opportunity to inform city staff about the transportation issues you encounter daily, whether by car or transit. Your input will influence the funding and prioritization of critical projects such as the expansion of Brian Coburn Blvd. and the Cumberland bus-rapid transitway. The Master Plan will prioritize projects for investment over the next 20 years.

Orléans South has experienced remarkable growth, and it’s clear that we must invest in infrastructure projects to meet our community’s needs. I’ve been advocating relentlessly for increased connectivity in our ward because our current network is stretched beyond its limits with daily traffic congestion, inadequate public transportation options, and limited, unsafe active transportation infrastructure.

Over the past several months, I have been engaging with senior staff and the mayor’s office to ensure our concerns are reflected in the updated TMP. Now, I need your help.

I urge you to complete both surveys on the Engage Ottawa website at engage.ottawa.ca to bolster our case for immediate investment.

The strong response from residents following my special newsletter was encouraging, with hundreds participating online and over 75 people attending the recent pop-up event at the François Dupuis Recreation Centre. I am pushing for another pop-up, and I will share details on my regular channels once confirmed. This is our chance to advocate for much-needed infrastructure in Ward 19. We can’t let this opportunity slip away!

The most effective way to have your voice heard is to complete both surveys. I thank you in advance!.


Ottawa a truly excellent example of the moniker ‘Canada in one City’

This Canada Day, I found myself reflect-ing on our City, and how we truly are a microcosm of this beautiful country.

We are urban, suburban and rural. We have dense, cosmopolitan neighbour-hoods. We have suburban areas full of parks and children and trails. We have sprawling farmland with hardworking families providing the food we eat every single day. We have unique, picturesque villages with tight-knit communities. We truly do live up to our motto, “Canada in one City.”.

This diversity doesn’t come without its challenges, and we certainly face the same challenges felt all over Canada. But it isn’t the challenges that define us as Canadians. It is how we rise to meet them. And it is how, when we fail to meet those challenges, we continue to act with humility and grace, brush ourselves off, and face those challenges again.

Rising to meet challenges does not come without conflict. In fact, it necessitates it. Conflict can be uncomfortable, but it is how we grow. It is that friction that leads to progress and understanding.

Respectful disagreement and persuasive argument are the hall-marks of a healthy, growing democracy. We must not give into the urge to surround ourselves only with like-minded thinkers. We should seek out that which makes us un-comfortable and work to reconcile with it.

Democracy is work – and it is hard work. Failing to do this work leads to democratic erosion and retreating into enclaves of familiarity and comfort.

Canada became the great country that it is today through struggle and conflict. From Flanders and Vimy, to universal suffrage, to intellectual freedom and beyond, we have been shaped by conflict and those who have risen to meet these challenges.

And we have a lot of challenges facing us today. Let us resolve to have courage, to speak our true minds, to face these challenges head on, and continue to build this country we are all so proud of.


Don’t sacrifice neighbourhood economies for downtown core

A recent poll shared that three out of four Canadians at least somewhat support Ottawa federal servants return to work. Not to be blunt, but why should I care what they think? Why should we sacrifice the unparalleled economic growth in our local economy – a direct result of workers staying at home, because some-one in Vancouver or St John’s thinks it’s a good idea?.

While I respect the jurisdiction of the feds to make decisions about their own employees, in this case, the decision directly impact us as a city, and that makes it my business.

I have heard talk about the need to return to save the downtown. I really just do not get it. Instead of working to revitalize the core, and increase the much-needed housing density in our downtown, some are committed to trying to return to a failed model, wholly dependent on commuters.

How is it good for downtown businesses to have to exclusively rely on customers that must return to the suburbs at 4 pm?

If you compare Ottawa’s downtown core at night to that of Toronto, or Montreal, or Calgary, Ottawa is a ghost town.

It is not a sustainable model, and it is ultimately unfair to both public servants and down-town businesses.

We have seen substan-tial growth in local businesses in Orléans during the pandemic as workers had more ability and time to shop locally. They are not arriving home tired after commuting for hours a day, they are going out and shopping, spending time with family, etc.

This is happening in neighbourhood com-munities across Ottawa. Why should we, as officials looking out for the welfare of the entire city, sacrifice our local, neighbourhood economies for the success of the downtown core? To make up for decades of poor housing planning? My apologies, I thought we were in a housing crisis.
If office buildings sitting empty is the problem, sell them, convert them and create more housing for people who would prefer to work and live downtown. We can fix two problems at once


Public invited to take part in transportation consultation

Hello and happy summer to all my amazing neighbors in Orleans! I hope you’re gearing up for an incredible season filled with fun activities throughout our wonderful city. With so much to explore and enjoy, good transportation planning plays a crucial role in making for a more enjoyable summer.

While construction season can sometimes be a hassle, rest assured that your east end councillors are working tirelessly to enhance your experience. As chair of the transportation committee, I’m thrilled to share an update on our city’s Transportation Master Plan (TMP).

The City has officially launched Phase 4 of Public Engagement for the Transportation Master Plan Part 2. This phase of consultation presents the results of the 2022 Origin-Destination household travel survey.

Residents are invited to provide input on the transportation challenges they experience when traveling by car or transit and their transportation priorities by completing the surveys at engage.ottawa.ca/transportation-master-plan.

The TMP is the City’s blueprint for planning, building, and operating its walking, cycling, transit and vehicular networks in the decades to come. The next step in the process is to develop the TMP Capital Infrastruc-ture Plan which will identify the recommended road and transit projects to accommo-date Ottawa’s expected growth to 2046.

In addition to the surveys, residents are invited to review the Transportation Trends Report presenting results from the 2022 Origin-Destination survey. Key findings are summarized in the Transportation Trends Highlights document.

The City will also host an online virtual public engagement on Wednesday, June 26 from 6-8 pm. To register and to find out more information please visit engage.ottawa.ca/ transportation-master-plan.

The surveys will remain open until Aug. 30 and the TMP team will continue to review all comments and submissions received.

Thank you for your support. Until next time.





Orléans author publishes first fictional novel, The Spanish Note

Ottawa School of Theatre all ages production of Treasure Island was wonderfully entertaining

Orléans native wins Juno Comedy Album of the Year

Young Orléans golfer continues to build on previous success

St. Petes wins NCSAA senior girls Tier 1 rugby championship

East end athletes win nine medals at OFSAA track and field championships


Commons Corner


Queen's Park Corner


Local business



DYNAMIC FOOT CARE CLINIC: The first step to pain free feet


LOUISE CARDINAL CONCEPT: Interior design consultant


BLACKBURN SHOPPES DENTAL CENTRE: Committed to providing a positive dental experience




VIEWPOINT: How I survived the running of the bulls in Pamplona


Vanxiety_life #15: Navan’s vanlifers complete cross-Canada odyssey

Contact information

745 Farmbrook Cres.
Orléans, Ontario K4A 2C1
Phone: 613-447-2829
E-mail: info@orleansstar.ca


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