Tuesday July 23, 2024

July 18, 2024

4 juillet 2024





Upcoming events

OHH CANADA KIDS FESTIVAL JEUNNESE ORLÉANS from 11 am to 5 pm at Millennium Park on Trim Road. Obstacle Course, Face Painting, Scavenger Hunt, Bike Rally and lots of other surprises! Canada Day Birthday Cake at 1 pm  Food trucks and BBQ.

CANADA DAY BBQ at the Orléans Legion, 800 Taylor Creek Dr. from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. .Open tro all members and non-members. BBQ from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. by Prestige Catering and Food Services. 8 choices to choose from at $15 each. Live entertainment provided by the Taylor Creek Band and the Parsons Duo. Bar specials from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.

FREE CANADA BBQ from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Petrie Island in the Steumer Park picnic area, hosted by the Orléans PC Riding Association.

ORLEANS FARMERS MARKET from 11 am to 4 pm in the parking lot at the Ray Friel Recreation Centre on Tenth Line Road. Shop the freshest seasonal produce, meat and dairy, baked goods, prepared foods, crafts and more while getting to know the folks who grew and made it.

TAPROOM 260 presents the Jamie Douglas live from 8-11 pm. Located on Centrum Blvd. in the Orléans Town Centre. For more information visit https://taproom260.com/events/.

CUMBERLAND FARMERS MARKET from 9 am to 1 pm at the Cumberland Arena, 1115 Dunning Rd. in Cumberland Village. Farmers, bakers, artists, crafters, gardeners, chefs and friends. For more information facebook.com/cumberland.f.market.

THE ORLEANS BREWING CO. presents James Leclair live from 8-11 pm. $5 cover. The Orléans Brewing Co. is located at 4380 Innes Rd. near the McDonalds. For more information visit https://orleansbrewing.com.



By Fred Sherwin
Jan. 2, 2022

With a new year comes new hope, new promise and new opportunity. Opportunity to better one’s situation. Opportunity to mend fences long in need of repair. And opportunity to broaden one’s horizons if one so wishes. All of which requires a certain amount of optimism.

Optimism always reigns supreme at the beginning of a new year. According to a recent Leger poll, 34 per cent of Canadians are generally feeling positive about the year ahead, while 44 per cent think they will be no better or worse off in 2023 than they were in 2022. The remaining 22 per cent think they will be worse off in 2023.

Among the things people are most worried about occuring in 2023 are higher inflation and interest rates, a possible economic recession and a catastrophic weather event.

Personally, I am guardedly optimistic about the year ahead. There is reason to be optimistic even as war continues to rage in Ukraine, interest rates and inflation continue to creep higher and the possibility of a recession becomes more and more likely. For one, the further we get from the pandemic the better. With each passing week and month we creep closer to normalcy.

Yes, I know many economists were predicting that when the pandemic was over we would enter a period similar to the roaring 20s, but now we realize that those predictions were nothing but a pipe dream.

Ongoing supply chain issues have stunted our economic recovery and fueled inflation, but they should not stunt our optimism.

I am optimistic because we continue to be among the most generous people in the world in spite of our economic woes and worries. As a population we continue to give what we can to agencies like the Orleans-Cumberland Community Resource Centre, CHEO, the Ottawa Heart Institute and the Canadian Cancer Society.

I am optimistic because in meeting young people during my travels outside of Canada, I have come to realize that nothing will spoil the optimism of youth. It’s not that they are without fear or anxiety, most have a fair share of both, but they don’t allow it to get in the way of wanting to enjoy life to the fullest. Perhaps, it’s because they can afford to be so optimistic.

But I believe it is just another result of the pandemic. They were locked up and locked away for so long without the ability to socialize at their favourite club, or the gym, or event the movie theatre, that they appreciate the freedom of youth now more than ever. And as well they should. Those of us who are much older could take a lesson from them.

Life is too short to live in a constant state of pessimism. And as much as I hate to remind myself, it is growing shorter with each passing day. So count me in among those who feel optimistic about the year ahead. I look forward with eager anticipation to what the next 12 months has in store for both myself, my friends and the country.




Orléans author publishes first fictional novel, The Spanish Note

Ottawa School of Theatre all ages production of Treasure Island was wonderfully entertaining

Orléans native wins Juno Comedy Album of the Year

Young Orléans golfer continues to build on previous success

St. Petes wins NCSAA senior girls Tier 1 rugby championship

East end athletes win nine medals at OFSAA track and field championships


Commons Corner


Queen's Park Corner


Local business



DYNAMIC FOOT CARE CLINIC: The first step to pain free feet


LOUISE CARDINAL CONCEPT: Interior design consultant


BLACKBURN SHOPPES DENTAL CENTRE: Committed to providing a positive dental experience




VIEWPOINT: How I survived the running of the bulls in Pamplona


Vanxiety_life #15: Navan’s vanlifers complete cross-Canada odyssey

Contact information

745 Farmbrook Cres.
Orléans, Ontario K4A 2C1
Phone: 613-447-2829
E-mail: info@orleansstar.ca


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